These tips will help you be safe while traveling with food allergies. Credit: Pixabay

This year is expected to be one of the busiest travel seasons. One survey by The Vacationer found that more than 50% of people will travel during Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

No matter the time of year, travel can be challenging for those with food allergies. However, if you or a family member has a food allergy, don’t let that stop you. It will just require some planning in advance. Below are some healthy tips for holiday travelers.

Make chef cards

AllergyInsider suggests you make chef cards that will detail the foods you cannot eat. 

  • Print copies of the cards rather than relying on photos on your phone. This will help protect you even if your phone dies. 
  • List the allergens and the ingredients that they are often hiding. For example, if you are allergic to peanuts, you might list that they are frequently in curry sauces including those not listed as peanut-based. 
  • If you are traveling to another country, make the chef cards in the language of the country you are visiting. 

Check food labeling laws

If you are traveling to another country, remember that food regulations will vary, so check the laws beforehand. 

Disinfect your airplane seat 

Flight attendants don’t wipe down seats, armrests or tables between each flight. Clean your area of the plane with disinfectant wipes. This will help prevent contact between your skin and any leftover food particles. 

Print your emergency care plan 

Print out your emergency care plan and keep it with you at all times. 

  • Don’t rely on keeping this information on your phone as your battery may die. And if traveling to another country, print this in the language of said country. 

For more tips, be sure to visit AllergyInsider. 

Check out more of our travel tips here.

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